Kansai Chapter of the Acoustical Society of Japan

関西支部 第1回動物音響談話会(同志社大学工学部田辺キャンパス)

関西支部 第1回動物音響談話会(同志社大学工学部田辺キャンパス)

各 位


この談話会では、長年ピッチ生成の神経機構を研究されているDarmstadt工科大学のGerald Langner教授によります動物の時間ピッチや場所ピッチの神経機構に関する講演会と討論会を予定いたしております。



日 時


15:00~16:00 Dr.Gerald Langnerの講演

16:00~17:00 ピッチ知覚の神経機構に関する討論会

17:30~ 懇親会(学内にて)

場 所

同志社大学工学部田辺キャンパス知能情報センター(香知館)3階会議室(京田辺市多々羅都谷 1-3, JR学研都市線”同志社前”下車,徒歩10分.あるいは,近鉄京都線 “興戸” 下車, 徒歩約 15 分.または,近鉄 “新田辺(急行停車駅)” または “三山木(各駅停車のみ)”よりバス約 7 分 “工学部前” 下車.)


タクシーの場合には”新田辺”下車が便利です。同志社大学のホームページ 内,


演 者

Dr. Gerald Langner(Neuroacoustics, Darmstadt工科大学, Darmstadt, Germany)

演 題

“Neuronal Mechanisms of Pitch Perception.”


Acoustic signals used in speech and music are often harmonic sounds which are characterized by periodic envelope or amplitude modulations. The periodicity information is coded in spike intervals in the auditory nerve and by different temporal response patterns in the auditory system. A neuronal model has been suggested that utilizes temporal information about resolved and unresolved harmonics for a correlation analysis of signal periodicity in the midbrain (IC) assuming delayed responses and coincidence of delayed and undelayed responses as basic processing elements.

Many neurons in the IC of gerbils are tuned to modulation frequencies and are arranged in periodicity maps along the 2nd auditory axis orthogonal to the tonotopic map. Many neurons in the IC react like comb-filters to a certain periodicity and integer multiples (harmonics) thereof, shortly after stimulus onset. It seems that these harmonic responses are actively suppressed by inhibition and that its source is the ventral nucleus of the lateral lemniscus (VNLL). Functional mapping using the 2-Deooxyglucose-technique in gerbil indicate that low pitch is represented dorsally and high pitch ventrally in the VNLL. A 3-D-analysis gave evidence for a helical periodicity map in the VNLL reminiscent of the well-known pitch helix of music psychology.


力丸 裕 ,e-mail:hrikimar@メ­-ルサ-バ,Phone:0774-65-6956, Fax:0774-65-6791

力丸研究室事務:渡辺 裕美子 e-mail:jo-kou05@メ­-ルサ-バ, Phone: 0774-65-6957
